Minecraft दुनिया भर में एक बहुत लोकप्रिय गेम रहा है और रहेगा। अन्य गेम्स में टास्क दिए जाते हैं, जिससे हमें पॉइंट या अचीवमेंट मिलते हैं, माइनक्राफ्ट में आपको अचीवमेंट देखने को मिलते हैं और उसे पूरा करने पर रिवॉर्ड भी मिलता है, आज हम आपको कुछ आसान तरीके बताएंगे जिससे आप जल्दी से सभी अचीवमेंट हासिल कर सकते हैं Minecraft को आप अनलॉक कर सकते हैं, आइए जानते हैं इसके बारे में।


Minecraft ने सभी खिलाड़ियों को कार्य सौंपे हैं जिन्हें पूरा करना है और इनाम प्राप्त करना है। इसे उपलब्धि कहते हैं. माइनक्राफ्ट अचीवमेंट आपको पॉकेट एडिशन और जावा बेडरॉक में देखने को मिलता है, जावा में आप इसे आसानी से हासिल कर सकते हैं लेकिन पॉकेट एडिशन और बेडरॉक में आपको यह बहुत मुश्किल लगता है, जावा एडिशन में आपको क्रिएटिव मोड में भी अचीवमेंट मिल सकता है लेकिन पॉकेट/ बेडरॉक एडिशन को आप पूरा कर सकते हैं केवल उत्तरजीविता मोड में उपलब्धियाँ। अब हम जानते हैं कि पॉकेट/बेडरॉक संस्करण में आसान तरीके से उपलब्धियां कैसे प्राप्त की जा सकती हैं।

सभी कार्य की जाँच करें

  • क्या दुनिया रचनात्मक मोड में है?
  • सभी उपलब्धियों को ध्यान से पढ़ें
  • दुनिया कौन सी विधा है
  • क्या उपलब्धियाँ अनलॉक नहीं हुई हैं?
  • उपलब्धियों को ईमानदारी से पूरा करें (कोई धोखाधड़ी नहीं)
  • Minecraft में mod का उपयोग न करें
  • Minecraft में तृतीय-पक्ष एप्लिकेशन या शेडर्स का उपयोग न करें
  • Minecraft खाते को Microsoft से लिंक करें
  • Minecraft के वर्तमान संस्करण का उपयोग करें, पुराने संस्करण का नहीं

अगर आपने इन सभी पॉइंट्स को फॉलो कर लिया है तो आगे आपको बताया जाएगा कि MINECRAFT का ACHIEVEMENT आसानी से कैसे पूरा करें।

सभी गलतियों की जाँच करना.

सबसे पहले आपको अपने Minecraft की सभी उपलब्धियों को ध्यान से देखना होगा और उसके अनुसार उसे पूरा करने का प्रयास करना होगा, अगर आपको पूरा नहीं मिल रहा है तो आप इंटरनेट की मदद से इसे पूरा करने के लिए ट्यूटोरियल देखकर समझ सकते हैं।

सुनिश्चित करें कि आपकी दुनिया जीवित है और किसी तीसरे पक्ष के मॉड का उपयोग नहीं किया जा रहा है, केवल विश्वसनीय मॉड और शेडर्स का उपयोग करें और अपने मिनीक्राफ्ट खाते को माइक्रोसॉफ्ट से लिंक करें।

Minecraft के संस्करण का भी ध्यान रखें और वर्तमान संस्करण का उपयोग करें और समय-समय पर अपडेट करें। Minecraft में कुछ नई उपलब्धियाँ जोड़ी गई हैं, इसलिए उन्हें जानने के लिए अपने Minecraft को नए संस्करण में अपडेट करें।

  अगर आप इन सभी गलतियों को सुधार लें तो आप आसानी से इस उपलब्धि को जानकर पूरा कर सकते हैं।

बधाई हो आप सभी उपलब्धियाँ पूरी करने के लिए तैयार हैं। अब आपको बस यह ध्यान रखना है कि क्या हुआ।

अधिक जानकारी के लिए

यदि आपको इस वेबसाइट या पोस्ट में बताए गए तरीकों या बातों से परेशानी है तो आप हमसे संपर्क कर सकते हैं, वेबसाइट के पहले पेज पर आपको कॉन्टैक्ट अस का विकल्प मिलेगा, धन्यवाद

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यदि आप Minecraft खेलते हैं तो आपको बेहतर पता होगा Minecraft अभी तक Mojang द्वारा आधिकारिक तौर पर लॉन्च नहीं किया गया है लेकिन भारत में हमारे YouTuber ने Minecraft लॉन्च किया है, हालांकि यह Play Store पर नहीं है, यह Play Minecraft में बेहतर है और यह मुफ़्त है।

यह गेम Vizag Op द्वारा लॉन्च किया गया है और आप इसके यूट्यूब चैनल पर Minecraft से जुड़ी बातें सीख सकते हैं।

विजाग ओप ने शुरुआत से ही Minecraft को संशोधित किया और हमें नए संस्करण दिए। जो फीचर Minecraft अपने गेम में नहीं ला सका, वह फीचर Vizag Op को मॉडिफाई करके लाए।

Minecraft बेहतर

Minecraft बेहतर में आपको बहुत सारे फीचर्स देखने को मिलेंगे जिन्हें आप बिना किसी परेशानी के आसानी से चला सकते हैं। इस गेम के स्क्रीनशॉट को आप नीचे स्क्रॉल करके देख सकते हैं और इसके बारे में भी जान सकते हैं.

  • यह अंतिम शहर है जिसे पूरी तरह से बदल दिया गया है। इसमें आपको निम्नलिखित चीजें देखने को मिलेंगी-
  • नये बायोम
  • नया 3 पोर्टल
  • नये कवच
  • तलवार
  • बवंडर
  • बिना अंतराल के उच्च ग्राफ़िक्स
  • अधिक जानकारी के लिए नीचे स्क्रॉल करें.


आपने लिस्ट के साथ-साथ स्क्रीनशॉट भी देख लिए होंगे, अब आपको इसके बारे में पता चल गया होगा और अब हम इसके फीचर्स के बारे में बात करेंगे जिनमें इसकी कोई कमी नहीं है।

3 नया पोर्टल

सबसे पहले आपको इसमें 3 नए पोर्टल देखने को मिलते हैं, जिन्हें आप स्क्रीनशॉट में देख सकते हैं। अब इस पोर्टल को बनाने के लिए आपको कुछ खास तरह के पत्थर दिए गए हैं जिन्हें आपको नेदर पोर्टल की तरह बनाना है और साथ ही आपको 3 नए फ्लिंट एंड स्टील्स देखने को मिलेंगे, हर पोर्टल के लिए अलग-अलग फ्लिंट और स्टील्स हैं।


आपको नई संरचनाएं भी देखने को मिलेंगी जहां खूब लूट मिलेगी. बाकी चीजें आप खुद खेलकर देख सकते हैं क्योंकि आपको पढ़ने में उतना नहीं आएगा जितना प्रैक्टिस में लगेगा। आप स्क्रीनशॉट पर देख रहे होंगे कि इसमें आपको कौन सा नया स्ट्रक्चर मिलने वाला है।


इसमें आपको नई ओप-लेवल तलवार देखने को मिलेगी, जिसमें एक ही वार में सामने वाला खत्म हो जाता है। इसमें आपको नई गैंती भी मिलेगी. आप इसमें और भी टूल्स पा सकते हैं क्योंकि यह अभी पूरी तरह से खोजा नहीं गया है, आप इसे खेलकर और भी अधिक जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।


इसमें आपको एक अलग से क्राफ्टिंग टेबल मिलेगी जिससे आप पावर टोटेम्स पर क्राफ्टिंग कर सकते हैं और ये टोटेम्स बहुत शक्तिशाली और खतरनाक होते हैं, जिनसे आपको कोई नहीं मार सकता।

इसमें आपको और भी कई क्राफ्टिंग रेसिपी देखने को मिलेंगी जो सामान्य Minecraft से बिल्कुल अलग हैं। इसकी क्राफ्टिंग टेबल में आप जो चाहें बना सकते हैं। इस गेम को समाधान में संशोधित किया गया है, इसलिए आप इसमें गड़बड़ियां भी पा सकते हैं जिन्हें बाद में ठीक कर दिया जाएगा।

अधिक जानकारी के लिए

इस पोस्ट में आपको Minecraft के बेहतर गेम को मॉडिफाई करने के बारे में बताया गया है जो बहुत कम लोग जानते हैं। यदि आपको इस पोस्ट से संबंधित कोई समस्या है तो आप हमसे संपर्क कर सकते हैं या इस पोस्ट के नीचे कमेंट कर सकते हैं, धन्यवाद।
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Today we will tell you about the apps of minecraft addons that means good app for minecraft addons. Let's know about the addons. 

Addons For Minecraft

First of all, the name of the application is ADDONS FOR MINECRAFT, this application is very popular, this app has 10 Million+ users, who will be a minecraft player, he will know about this app because almost all the players of minecraft know this app.In this you will get to see all the addons of minecraft that you see on youtube or other social media.

 Most of the youtubers also use this and make their videos. This application is available on play store, you can also use it and it is absolutely free, you can see its interface in screen shots.This application is ranking at the top right now, you also need to use it and make your game more enjoyable. In this you get many addons like minecraft structure, NPS, Servers,etc. 

Block Mast For MCPE 

Now the second number in our list comes BLOCK MASTER FOR MCPE. This application is old so old players will also know it but it is old as well as very popular because in this you get complete addons section jesus you can install your game add-on in one click. You can install it on any device because it is also absolutely free. In this you will get to see more add-ons than other applications because this is a very old application. 

Mods Add-ons 

Now let us tell you about the easiest and best application, whose name is MODS ADDONS, its special thing is that in this you will not have to bother much in comparison to the rest of the application because this application is easy to run. You will find it on play store. It has been only 3 months since this application was launched and it has more than 10million users and its rating is also very good.

Addons MCPE 

Now we will tell you about ADDONS MCPE, in this application you get to see more than 10 million addons, which you will get tired of playing the game but its addons will not end and it is originally made.And all the applications mentioned are available on play store.In this you get to see more features, which you can import in your game and run it easily without any interruption and everything is free, so you should take advantage of it.


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  • What's a good Minecraft seed?
  • Are Minecraft PE addons safe?
  • Best addons for mcpe survival 
  • Best Minecraft addons 
  • Addons for Minecraft apk
  • Best addons for Minecraft survival 
  • Best addons for mcpe in 2024
  • Mcpedl
  • Best apps for addons for Minecraft 2024
  • Minecraft new addon
  • Addons for mcpe in 2024
  • Minecraft legend
  • best minecraft addons
  • minecraft addons bedrock
For More Information 

If you find anything wrong in this website or post, then you can contact us, you will get the option of Contact us on the first page of the website. Thank you.
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Mythpat YouTube is known to everyone who is a very big youtuber, mythpat puts gaming, roasting, funny videos on his channel, one day mythpat changed himself into a girl, whose name he named mythilla, which people liked very much, seeing this A youtuber from India made a game of mythpat named MYTHILLA let's tell you more about it.

Who Made Mythpat Game ?

First of all, let's talk about who made it and how it was made. This game was created by an Indian youtuber named DEADONE, who is a fan of mythpat, he also liked the female form of mythpat, so he made a horror game for mythpat. And DEADONE Bhai took 5 days to make this game, so the credit for this post should go to DEADONE Bhai, you can subscribe to his channel.

Why Deadone made mythpat's game

The biggest reason for this, we have already told you above that deadone was a big fan of mythpat and he was also a game developer, so he has made a game of mythpat. One reason for this is also that the female form of mythpat (mythilla) had become very famous, seeing this they must have developed this game.

How DEADONE made mythpat's game

DEADONE is the game developer and it took them 5 days to make this game and they made this game without spending any money, they didn't spend any money for animation, character, graphics etc.  .  You must have seen the screen shot.

  • mithila game
  • mythpat and urmila
  • mythpat instagram
  • mythpat sister
  • Mythpat game
  • Mythpat gaming channel
  • Mythpat
  • Mythpat fan
  • Mythpat with slayy point
  • Slayypoint
  • Mythpat Collab
  • Mythilla video
  • Mythpat mithilla Videos

For More Information 

You have been told about mythpat in this post, which is absolutely true, if you find anything wrong or false, then you can comment below this post, thank you
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 Minecraft X Free Fire This is very much discussed and today we will talk about it. And how can you play it in your mobile. First we will tell you about minecraft, then about FREE FIRE and next we will tell you about MINECRAFT X FREE, so stay with us let's know. 

Minecraft  - Minecraft is not a battleground game, it is a survival game that people like very much and because of this, Minecraft has more than 1 billion players.

 Minecraft was made by a company called Mojang, then it was sold to Microsoft. The name of the owner of minecraft is NOTCH. In minecraft you can make the game more enjoyable by applying different mods. More than 1 thousand mods are produced daily, now you can guess how famous this game is. The biggest feature is that minecraft game is not banned in any country.

Only the person who understands the minecraft game can play because the one who is playing minecraft puzzle bar will not understand anything because first you have to understand and learn the game only then you can play. You can also practice and learn from minecraft servers because minecraft has infinite servers. You can create your own world for practice then when you learn to play then you can start your survival series or you can play mini games in the server which requires a lot of strategy. 

Free Fire Max - Now let's talk about FREE FIRE. free fire is a battleground game in which you can kill other player with the help of guns and what is left in the last becomes booyah that means victory. Even if you don't know how to play free fire, you can learn it easily. 

 When you create a new account for your free fire, free fire itself allows you to practice which leads to improvements in your gameplay. But if you want to learn to die headshot then you can play training in free fire. Made by a company called free fire ko garena which is an Indonesian company.

Hope you have understood well about both the games and now we will talk about FREE FIRE X MINECRAFT means you can play free fire in minecraft although minecraft is not a battleground game still you can play let's know .

MINECRAFT X FREE FIRE - At present, both are running in the trend of the game, but if you play both the games together then it is more fun but you can play by mixing both the game, it has been done by VIZAG OP youtuber who made Minecraft free fire. and it seems like absolutely free fire, in this you will get to see the following things-

  • Same Lobby
  • Same Mods
  • Same Guns
  • Free Fire All vehicles 
  • Free fire Training grounds 
  • Free Fire All Evo Guns 
  • Clash Squad 
  • Ranked Game
  • Rank
  • Play With Friends
  • Play customs
  • ETC...
You will get to see more than this, but first you have to install it in your minecraft game and you will have to import it. But from where will you get this pack? You will find free fire pack for minecraft in VIZAG OP's youtube channel, you will know the further process.


  • Minecraft x free fire
  • Is Minecraft good or free fire?
  • How do you get the bike on free fire?
  • Can BGMI beat Free Fire?
  • Which is more famous Minecraft or free fire?
  • Which is more popular PUBG or Minecraft?
  • Why is Minecraft so popular?
  • Minecraft 2022 worth it?
  • Which is no 1 game in world?
  • How many people play Minecraft?
  • Who is PUBG Ka Baap?
  • Why Free Fire has no door?
  • How to Get free fire in minecraft 
  • Minecraft app
  • Free fire emote in Minecraft 
  • How to play free fire in minecraft 
  • Who make free fire

If you find the information mentioned in this website wrong or false, then please forgive us and contact us. Thank you.

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Minecraft has added new touch controls in the 1.19.30 update. Today we will talk about this and know the advantages and disadvantages of new controls.

So first of all let's talk about how you will install it in your minecraft. You do not need to install new controls because touch controls have been added with the 1.19.30 update, which you just have to turn on from the setting and do the control setting according to your own.

Now that you have downloaded minecraft 1.19.30 update, how will you turn on the new touch controls? We will also tell you this further.

How To On Touch Control?

To turn on touch controls, you have to go to the setting, then you will get the option of touch on the 3rd number, click on it, then your entire touch setting will be shown in front of you. 

At the top you will get the option of touch controls, you have to turn it on, then you restart your game, after that go to the world or server.

Control Settings 

Now you will get 3 options in touch controls crosshair, classic and touch. Now we will tell you about them too. First of all crosshair, in this you will get to see many buttons to control like different button to hit, different button of sit, different button of run, different button of run and jump etc.

But we would recommend you TOUCH option because in this you will get joystick and new buttons of run jump sit And you will not have any problem with it.

Now you have to train your hands accordingly, only then you can play well with these controls. Now let's talk about its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantage and disadvantage 

The most interesting thing is that Mojang has officially launched touch controls and this is not an addon or mode, it has been officially launched so you will not have any issue in it.

Now it depends on you that what kind of game you play. You will not be harmed in touch controls because this will make your game play and better and you can easily do pvp, bridging, jumpshot etc. in mobile.


  • How can I play Minecraft without a mouse?
  • How do you use touch controls in Minecraft?
  • minecraft new controls
  • How do you use touch controls in Minecraft?
  • How do you turn on split controls in Minecraft Mobile?
  • How do you change to left hand in bedrock?
  • How do you get the new touch controls on Minecraft?
  • How do you change from touch to controller in Minecraft?
  • minecraft new controls apk 1.19
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  • minecraft new controls mod
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  • minecraft new controls version

For More Information 

In this post you have been told about minecraft new touch controls, which will make it easier for you to gameplay. If you find any thing false in this post, then you can comment below or contact us. Thank you.
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What Is Google Play Points And How To Earn 2023. (For Gamers!!). 

You can use Google play points to either buy or top up the game and this update has been launched recently, for which people were eagerly waiting, this update was already launched in countries like America and Japan but This has been done in India in October. Today we will discuss this and tell you how you will use it and how you will earn it, stay connected with us to know.

This update of Google is going to be very bang because in this you will get more than one thing and especially it is very useful for gamers, so read and understand the post carefully. 

How To Use?

First of all we tell how it will be used and where it will be. So you can use it to buy money apps or games or you can use it to top up games like Free Fire Call of Duty. It simply means that it is Google Play credit which you had to buy either from Paytm se or from PhonePe.

Google had launched an application called REWARD to earn Google Play credits and it went on to become very popular but nowadays the work on it is decreasing because earlier people play many games and used to invest money in games but nowadays. In this you will get to see 4 levels


The trend of games has reduced a lot, so the use of REWARD app has also worked, keeping this in mind, Google's Google Play Points update has been launched, so that you can easily earn play credits and it has been launched recently. This is going on in trend nowadays, you must also use it. 

How To Earn?

Now we will tell you how you will earn Google Play Points. As soon as you go to the Google Play Points section, you will get 43 Points in the Welcome Bonus, to get the bonus points, you have to go to the perks section and you will get the claim option below.

Next you have to go to Earn's section to earn more points and you will get many games you will get play points for downloading those games which is very simple task. In this, daily new events and offers keep running so that you can earn more than 100 points in 1 day.

Other Basic information 

If you want to buy something by earning points from it, then you must read this.
  • Your earned points will expire in 1 year
  • In this you will get to see 4 levels. Broz, silver, gold, platinum
  • If you want to earn more then download one game daily.
  • You will get more points as you level up
  • You can see the usage of points through screen shot
Hope you have understood everything, if still there is any doubt, then you see all the images of this post carefully or comment below this post and tell us what is your problem.

  • How can I get free play points?
  • What can I spend Google Play credit on?
  • Do Google Play Points expire?
  • What can I use play points for?
  • How can I get free Google Play money?
  • How to get free play points 
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  • how to redeem google play points
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For More Information 

You have been told about Google Play Points in this post and you have not been told any lies or wrong things but still you have problem then you can comment below this post thank you.
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Do you also want to be a pro in minecraft? And you also want to beat your friends in PVP challenge? So stay with us because today we will tell you the tricks to become pro in minecraft

Minecraft Basic Pro

Minecraft is not a battleground game in which players can hit each other with bombs or guns. But there is also fight in minecraft which we know as PVP and along with fight there are BUILDS, BRIDGING, CLUTCHES, MLG'S, etc. But some beginners do not know about them and other players call them NOOB.

Today we will make you a pro, if you carefully understand and follow what we have told you, then no one can stop you from becoming a pro.

You will be told some things which you have to understand and prepare yourself accordingly so that you too can become a pro. But you do not have to leave the post in the middle and half incomplete things do not work, so read and understand the post completely.

Minecraft Pro

Now there are many pro in minecraft like PVP PRO, CLUTCHES PRO, MLG'S PRO, BRIDGING PRO, now it depends on you that in which you want to become pro. If you want to become a pro in MLG'S then you have to daily BRIDGING to the height limit in minecraft and daily jump from there and practice MLG which will get you used to it. And you mind will become completely pro in MLG, you just have to practice daily.

There is also crafting in minecraft. There are 1000+ recipes in minecraft which can be either crafted or searched. If you do not know crafting in minecraft, then you have to learn crafting because the most important work in minecraft is CRAFTING.

The name of minecraft also has CRAFT. If you do not know crafting then you have to first try to craft all the important items of the crafting table like - pickaxe, axe, furnace, etc. These are common items of all minecraft which are useful in your survival world.
Try to craft them. Have to do If you learn to do this craft, then learn to craft more items in future. You must know crafting to become a complete pro in minecraft, so learn crafting as well.


Now it is the turn of PVP which will support you the most in minecraft. If you have good PVP, you can easily stack any player and steal his face. But if you do not know PVP, then you have to read carefully what we have told.

To become a pro in PVP, you need a lot of practice. Now you play minecraft in mobile or in PC you have to practice in both. Your main target will be JUMP + SHOT, this is the trick that pro people use,

you have to jump then hit the shot, which will give more damage to the player in front and you will win easily from it. If you learn jump shot then no one can beat you in PVP.
Even the biggest minecraft players like DREAM, GAMERFLEET, SMARTYPIE, TECHNOBLADE win by using jump shots.


Now you are pro in PVP and also in MLG but you do not know bridging, if you do not know CLUTCHES, then you should learn them too, it is not so difficult, it can be learned in 2-3 times and not by working hard. But still you have to learn this, then you can follow the things mentioned below. ,

Becoming a pro in bridging is not a big deal because nowadays almost all players in minecraft know bridging. But we will tell those who do not know. Now you will get separate bridging in mobile and separate in pc because bedrock version runs in mobile so that bridging can be done easily.

But in pc most of the people like to play JAVA edition only and bridging in java is difficult but it can be learned easily. To do bridging, firstly you have to crouch so that you will not fall down and secondly, you should always maintain both your hands, which will make it easier for you to do bridging.

This thing cannot be understood much because bridging is a very easy task. If you think that bridging is difficult, then you will find it difficult, so whenever you go to bridging, keep your mind and body steady.

Hope you have understood our point, now you comment below and tell us on which topic to write the next post. 

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In this post you have been told about how to become minecraft pro and nothing false or wrong has been told in this post, if you have problem then you can comment below this post thank you.
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We use Minecraft Client to change the look and feel of minecraft. Some Clint is free and some money and some are good and some are bad but today we will tell you about absolutely free minecraft bedrock Clint which will completely change your minecraft and all this is absolutely free. Let's know about it. 

What Is Minecraft Client - New minecraft players will not know what is Minecraft Clint and how to use it also discuss about it. Minecraft Clint is a one-of-a-kind Minecraft addon that you can use by importing it into your Minecraft Pocket Edition. 

Client completely changes the look of your Minecraft like Minecraft Java Edition. With this you can improve your playing style and PVP and this right is useful in survival mode.

Now you must have come to know what is Clint, now we will talk about the new Clint of minecraft that means BETTER BEDROCK V5 CLIENT.

Better bedrock client v5  - This Clint has been launched recently, so not many people know about it, but we will tell you the complete details about it. 

Basically this is the new Clint of minecraft and in this you get to see many features which you can use in your minecraft survival world, its harm is not known yet but it has many benefits, let us tell you about its benefits only.

In this you can customize your minecraft lobby and you can create your favorite lobby. You will also get the option of third person in this on the screen itself, you will not need to go to the setting.

Its company is putting a lot of ideas to further upgrade this client. If you play survey world in your minecraft, then you can make your survival world easier with its help without closing Achievements. 

 You can hide yourself in it and see yourself in one click it is absolutely free but maybe this thing is available in money so you hurry up and import it in your minecraft

You will get many more features in this Clint but you have to first import it in your minecraft then you will automatically get to know all the features.

How To Get Better bedrock client v5 ?

If you also want this Clint then you will have to take help of youtube because you will get the install link there. You have to search BETTER BEDROCK V5 CLINT then many videos will come in front of you, you can easily install it from there.


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For More Information 

In this post you have been told about minecraft client, no harmful words have been used in it. If you have any problem then you can comment below this post. Thank you.

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Do you also play minecraft? And you want rare minecraft skins and emotes too? So today we will tell you the trick to get minecraft minecoins for free.

You must be aware that minecraft was sold by notch to Microsoft, since then till now minecraft has not given any item for free. minecraft has made its own marketplace from where you can top up minecoins and buy emotes and skins for yourself from those minecoins but new players of minecraft don't have money to spend so they can buy emotes and skins Can not buy, but today we will tell you the trick to get minecoins for free.

it real or fake? - Before knowing about the trick, let us tell you whether this method is real or fake. This method is 100% real, there is no doubt that it is fake because in this website you will find all the things true and accurate, you can read the rest of the post if you want. Although there is no method to get minecoins for free yet, but we will get you minecoins for free in a jugaad way. 

 Your doubt must have become clear now that this method is real or fake, now we talk about how to get minecoins for free.

How To Get Free Minecoins  - So it is simple that money is needed to get minecoins but you can get minecoins for free without paying.

 You have to earn money in your phone itself which you can spend to buy minecoins. You will be told about some application from which you can earn money for minecraft for free.

First of all, you should use Google Opinion Rewards application because this application is on top in terms of earning, you can buy not only minecoins but many items like free fire diamonds and pubg's UC etc. Now let's talk about how to use it. 

 Using it is not a difficult task, you have to directly create an account in this application, you will have questions on your own and you will get money on answering those questions and this is absolutely true because this application is from Google, so you trust it.

Now let's talk about Facebook Viewpoints application because this application is like Google Opinion Rewards,

 in this also you get money for answering questions but in this you can login with your Facebook account even in this you will get Google Opinion Rewards You will get more money than that because it is not fully released yet, you can take advantage of it.

Note : We have told you about 2 applications from which you can earn money and buy minecoins or other items, if you want to know more about it, then you can comment on us.


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In this post, you have been told about how to get minecoins for free, if anyone has any problem with this post, then you can comment below or you can contact us thank you

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